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SMARTii | Legal statement
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SMARTii | Legal statement

Legal statement

Legal statement

Please read this statement carefully before visiting this website.

This site ( is registered by SMART Innovacios Intezet Ltd. (Seat: H-1183 Budapest, Kiss János utca 24. | other site: H-6600 Szentes, dr. Négyesy L. u. 15., Company register Nr.: 01-09-271695; TAX Nr.: 22925499-2-43, hereafter as SMARTii), and SMARTii reserves the copyright of all information.

All the information on this website is published in good faith and for general information purpose only. All the information provided by this website shall not contain or constitute any sense of offer or commitment. We do not make any warranties about the completeness, reliability and accuracy of this information. Any action you take upon the information on our website is strictly at your own risk. We shall not be liable for any loss or damage of whatever nature (direct, indirect, consequential, or other) whether arising in contract, tort or otherwise, which may arise as a result of your use of (or inability to use) this website, or from your use of (or failure to use) the information on this site.

You may give us personal information about you, such as your name, your contact email and other contact details on various places on our website (e.g. If you register in order to download something). You agree that SMARTii can store, register and handle your data.

The information you give us is absolute safe with us. We will never rent, sell, share or otherwise disclose your personal information to third parties.

SMARTii operates under the hungarian law, therefore the web page acts upon it even in its content and design as well.


Péter Cseh


SMARTii Ltd.